Elementary Education: Nursery to class VIII. Admissions for Nursery to Class Vth are only for Day Scholars (Staff Wards).
Secondary School Certificate (IX & X)
Senior Secondary School Certificate (XI & XII) (Humanities, Sciences and Commerce).

New admissions based on merit cum aptitude test are made only in classes VI and IX. Aptitude Test is scheduled to be held at Banasthali Vidyapith, Delhi and Varanasi Centers on 17th May, 2025.

Admissions to class XI are based on merit of marks of secondary certificate/equivalent examination.

Medium of instruction for school education is Hindi
. However we cater to the need of students who want to study in English medium by providing bilingual system - Instructions, Books and Question Papers are in English as well as Hindi.

Age Requirement (as on 1 July, 2025)

Class Minimum Age Maximum Age
VI 10 years 11 years 6 months
IX 13 years 14 years 6 months

Last date for application form submission for admission in Class VI, IX & XI is Apr 30, 2025.

Offer Letter for admission will be sent to the qualified candidates.                                          

Limited seats in select courses are available for admission against Foreign Nationals & NRI/NRI sponsored wards. Admission against Foreign Nationals & NRI/NRI sponsored wards is based on merit, without appearing in aptitude test.

Fee Structure


Regular Fee (Rs.)
Group (1)
  • Class XI - XII
    (Maths, Bio, Maths+Bio & Commerce Group) 
1,15,000/- p.a.
Group (2)
  • Class XI - XII
  • Class X & Below   
 85,000/- p.a.

Regular fee for Foreign Nationals & NRI/NRI sponsored applicants:-  For Group (1) courses :US Dollar $ 3050 p.a. and For Group (2) courses : US Dollar $ 2,400 p.a.

A one-time hostel admission fee of Rs. 5,000/- shall be charged from all newly admitted students.

The regular students classified in group (1) and (2) respectively shall pay a one time course admission fee Rs. 10,000/- and Rs. 5,000/-.

Every student shall deposit a security amount (Refundable) of Rs. 20,000/- and an imprest amount of Rs. 2500/-

Other Miscellaneous Charges
An amount of Rs. 2000/- for class upto 8th & Rs. 3000/- for class 9th to 12th shall be charged towards Examination fee, Identity Card fee etc.

Development Fee

The above students classified in Group (1) and (2) respectively, shall pay the development fee of Rs. 22,000/-  and Rs. 16,000/-, respectively, per year.


S. No.




Mess Charges (For 10 Months)



Electricity & Water (For 10 Months)



Room Rent (For 10 Months)



Campus Fee (Annual)




Aptitude Test Sample Papers:

Samples papers for Class VI and Class IX

Notified Under Section (3) of University Grants Commission Act.
@ 2007 Banasthali Vidyapith.