डाउनलोड फोटो गैलरी प्रश्न प्रतिक्रिया स्थिति साइट

School Activities

Major School Activities – The School firmly believes that textual studies are only but a part of the full development of a child and therefore provides a spectrum of in house activities through its program of panchmukhi shiksha. The main thrust of activities at the Vidyapith are visualized to promote the development of a balanced and harmonious personality of the students including physical, practical, aesthetic, moral and intellectual aspects.

Engagement with local community

  1. We run an adult education center where we engage the mothers of the students coming from Banasthali Village and teach them to prepare low cost and no cost materials. They are taught to prepare useful items like carpet, doormats, bags, shoes, wall hangings etc out of felt (Nanda) and waste materials. They are also taught  to prepare food items like mongodi, papad, pickle, Sauce, Murbba, amla candies and snacks. This learning provides them a source of income.
  2. The department of Home Science, in school is a window of expertise and awareness in health, nutrition, and therapeutic dietary management of personality for the local community

The activities are diverse and help villagers in childcare & nourishment, processing and preservation of food , dress designing and tailoring. 

  1. The girl guide students are involved in community services through activities related to health, environment and informal education. We conduct health programme from time to time which includes bone densitometry (Osteoporosis),  Checkup Camp for eyes, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis cough,  hemoglobin testing As it is a girls’ institution  we run a separate  boys school meant only for the wards of the surrounding villages and provide them a quality education with all modern  physical infrastructure.
  2. We have a community F.M. Radio station known as Radio Banasthali to broadcast all awareness programme on health, food, clothing, agriculture, cleanliness and agriculture. The programs are prepared and presented by the senior students of the school.

Hobby Classes 

We cater to the specific hobby related needs by conducting hobby classes in the evening so that every child is able to participate in the field of choice to her heart content. She can develop her ability through a variety of activities such as Horse riding, Martial art, Manipuri dance, Judo Karate and Swimming.

Morning Assembly 

A few minutes are spared in the morning for assembly every day and students, by rotation speak, thought for the day as well as the important news of the day and impart some information about educational facts and recent discoveries. 

Students’ Council

If we are to live in democratic community we must permit our students to have the experience of governing some of their own affairs. Hence, there is duly constituted organization of students called Bal Sabha. With some office bearers- president, vice-president, and a few ministers to look after discipline, cultural activities and so on.

House System

The house system is an effective instrument for the personality development of the students. The school has established 4 houses among which the entire student population is distributed. The houses have house staff and captains and it believes in delegating  responsibilities among members to develop a sense of responsibility and a spirit of healthy competition and an atmosphere of friendly maturity. 

Intellectual Activities   are meaningfully organized with the range of competitions like speech, recitation, story telling, handwriting, mehndi spreading, math’s quiz, science quiz and so on. The competitions being novel and educative which strengthens the curricular program 


To provide a platform to bring forward the creativity and talent of the children rather to explore the hidden talents of the students, theme based exhibitions are put up by the students regularly on children’s day. Parents along with staff throng the premises of the school. The exhibition is always a resounding success. 

Festivals and Fairs

As far as festivals are concerned students celebrate all the national festivals like Gandhi Jayanti, Independence Day, Republic day, Teacher’s Day, Guru Nanak Jayanti and so on with great enthusiasm. Raksha Bandhan is celebrated by having  on the spot Rakhi making competition.

Janmastami is celebrated with tableau presentation on the birth and life history of lord Krishn. Even Hindi Divas is observed by students with the recitation of poems of great poets and display of charts with the life history and complete works  of great poets known as balkavi sammelan and few one act plays of famous personnel’s are also staged.



To cater to the needs of tiny tots we have a balmandir enriched with specific play equipments like toddlers swing, super slide, hammer ball, cycle, scooter, toy room, sandpit and so on for physical and mental development of the child where play serves as a nutrient or fertilizer for the young children to grow properly. 

Library and Laboratories

The library is standing invitation for the students to read books, newspapers, and magazines. It is storehouse of nearly 70,000 books of all kinds and on all subjects.

In the present age the advent of educational technology has proved a boon for education. In this matter our school is not lagging behind as we have a Hi-tech lab, for Multimedia Presentation, English Language Laboratory, and Mathematics Laboratory, well equipped Science Laboratories in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Home science laboratories in Child Development, Home Management, and Food and Nutrition.

For keeping the children in good humor and to inculcate desired interest in studies with clarity of concepts educational CDs are in use. There are a good number of charts and educational games to make teaching learning process more effective.

School Magazine

Kilkari, a school magazine, is in circulation, which reveals the characteristics of the whole school students and the teachers. It is a portrait of the school, hence every effort is made to produce an authentic image. Interest for writing is stimulated and students exhibit their feelings, emotions and creativity in the form of fables, poems, and interesting no-how’s. 

Games and Sports

Sports is being enthusiastically persuaded at Banasthali Vidyapith. Excellent sports facilities and the services of dedicated coaches in different disciplines have made the school sports contingent a formidable force on the play field. Strenuous training is provided in various model and traditional Indian games. The activities include equestrian, swimming, flying, rifle shooting, basketball, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, hockey, lawn tennis, cricket, hand ball, soft ball, throw ball, athletic (track and field) aerobics, martial art under modern games and Yoga, Kho-kho, Kabbadi, Lezium, dumbells, lathi, talwar, bhala ect, under the traditional sports activities of India.

The programmes of physical education provide opportunities to participate in various competitions inside the campus as intramurals and also at the national/state/district as extra-mural competition. 

To improve the efficiency and quality of work and to save time an application software package has been generated to access to all information of the students. 

Thus, Banasthali  Vidyapith senior secondary school is a quality school with certain ingredients like infrastructure, humane environment and norms and self-conduct - to ensure overall personality development of the child.


Achievements (2010-11)


Notified Under Section (3) of University Grants Commission Act.
@ 2007 Banasthali Vidyapith.